gold decor

Once your artificial Christmas trees are up in your home and you have decorated, the final touch on these artificial Christmas trees is the topper. For many people, there are only two options: an angel or a star. Which one is the right choice for you?

Angel or Star: The Eternal Debate for Artificial Christmas Trees

Ultimately, it is all in what you personally want. There is really no right or wrong way to choose. An angel or a star is the most common topper that is used on artificial Christmas trees today. Why is this? The star is meant to represent the Star of Bethlehem, otherwise known as the Christmas Star to many people. This was the guiding light for the three wise men to make it to the birthplace of Jesus Christ. This is a five point star that has been considered heavenly by many different faiths. The angel that people place on these trees is meant to represent the Angel Gabriel. This was the angel that visited Mary to inform her she would be giving birth to the Son of God. In addition, angels have long been known as protectors. For this reason, many people feel that no tree is complete without the angel on the top.

So, which is the right choice for you? Either will work! Keep in mind that you can find stars and angels that are not just traditional, but in different types of varieties so that these fit your tree theme even better. For example, if you are doing a purple and gold tree, then find an angel that has purple and gold on it, or use a star that is gold. The same can be said of just about any theme that is out there.

For those who are wanting to go traditional with their tree, they will find that both a star and an angel are suitable. But, what do you do if you cannot make up your mind? If you are not sure what to do, because you love both elements, then be sure that you are choosing one for the topper and then introduce the other throughout the tree. For example, you will find that you can use an angel at the top, but have stars placed throughout the tree, or vice versa. The end result is going to  be something that is more personal to you, which is going to make the décor even that more appealing to you!